What we heard in round 3
In fall 2022 we continued the conversation with our customers and interested parties about our Integrated Resource Plan. We connected through workshops with specific interested parties and update emails sent to approximately 5,000 subscribers.
Below is a summary of what we heard in round 3 and how it was incorporated into our Integrated Resource Planning process. Thank you to everyone who provided feedback on the additional sensitivities proposed for the modelling and analysis. We’ve also compiled a more detailed summary of what we heard (PDF, 249 KB), and a list of the questions received throughout round 3 and the answers provided (PDF, 298 KB).
Suggested Additional Sensitivities
In sensitivity analysis, or “what if” analysis, we change an assumption or input in a scenario to understand how it might affect the model’s outputs or results. Gaining this additional understanding helps us to develop our road map and near‐term actions.
In round 3 we asked participants what sensitivities they felt could significantly impact the Integrated Resource Plan modelling results and our understanding of potential energy futures. Some suggestions were incorporated into the modelling process for this Integrated Resource Plan and others are of interest for future planning.
Customer self-generation through solar
- A sensitivity to double the assumption of solar customer self-generation in scenario 4 will be included.
Ground source heat pumps, including for use in district heating
- This suggestion will be included in sensitivity analysis through greater uptake of ground source heat pumps. A district heating system provides heat generation from a central location to a network of connected buildings and homes through a grid of insulated pipelines. We do not have the proper data at this time to investigate district heating, so this specific analysis will be deferred to future planning.
How large customers can help manage peaks
- This Integrated Resource Plan will include sensitivity analysis of demand response, when large customers reduce energy use during peak demand times. Demand response will be modelled to flatten the existing peak demand.
Hydrogen production increases for transportation decarbonization
- Hydrogen production in the model was limited to its use for generating electricity through a thermal plant. Further work is needed to understand the full potential of the future hydrogen economy. This analysis could be considered within future planning.
Rates impacts and customer costs
- Analysis of rate impacts and even total customer costs is complex, in part due to the different rate structures between the gas and electric systems. We are still investigating how best to represent these costs.
Additional comments
Overall, participants expressed interest in the information presented and appreciation of the detail included in the presentations.
Next Steps
The feedback received in round 3 confirmed we are generally considering the right sensitivities in our modelling for the Integrated Resource Plan. We are currently working to integrate some of the feedback into our modelling and analysis results. Learn more about our modelling process.
In spring 2023, we will further discuss our next steps by outlining our road map and near-term actions (five-year focus) to prepare for future energy demand.
For the latest on our Integrated Resource Planning process visit Integrated Resource Plan.
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