Sustainable development policy

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In 1993, we adopted a sustainable development policy and 13 complementary guiding principles based on the principles and guidelines of sustainable development adopted by the Manitoba Round Table on Environment and Economy. The policy and 13 principles represent a guiding influence for our decisions, actions, and day-to-day operations.

We will apply the principles of sustainable development in all aspects of our operations to achieve environmentally sound and sustainable economic development. Through our decisions and actions to provide electrical services, we will endeavour to meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs.

Stewardship of the economy and the environment

Recognize its responsibility as a caretaker of the economy and the environment for the benefit of present and future generations of Manitobans.

Meet the electricity needs of present and future Manitobans in a manner that ensures the long-term integrity and productivity of our economy, our environment, our natural resources and safeguards our human health.

Shared responsibility

Ensure that Manitoba Hydro’s employees, contractors, and agents are aware of our sustainable development policies and guiding principles and encourage them to act accordingly.

Encourage the Corporation’s employees to share their knowledge of the concepts and practical application of sustainable development.

Integration of environmental and economic decisions

Treat technical, economic and environmental factors on the same basis in all corporate decisions, from initial planning to construction to operations to decommissioning and disposal. To the extent practical, include environmental costs in economic and financial analysis.

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Economic enhancement

Enhance the productive capability and quality of Manitoba’s economy and the well-being of Manitobans by providing reliable electrical services at competitive rates.

Efficient use of resources

Encourage the development and application of programs and pricing mechanisms for efficient and economic use of electricity by our customers. As well, efficient and economic use of energy and materials will be encouraged throughout all our operations.

Prevention and remedy

To the extent practical, anticipate and prevent adverse environmental and economic effects that may be caused by Corporate policies, programs, projects and decisions rather than reacting to and remedying such effects after they have occurred.

Purchase, where practical, environmentally sound products taking into account the life cycle of the products.

Address adverse environmental effects of Corporate activities that cannot be prevented by:

  • endeavouring, wherever feasible, to restore the environment to pre-development conditions or developing other beneficial uses through rehabilitation and reclamation;
  • striving to replace the loss with substitutes that would enhance the environment and/or associated resource uses while offsetting the type of damage experienced;
  • making monetary payments for compensable damages on a fair, equitable and timely basis.

Give preference, where practical, to projects and operating decisions that use renewable resources or that extend the life of supplies of non-renewable resources.

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To the extent practical, plan, design, build, operate, maintain and decommission Corporate facilities in a manner that protects essential ecological processes and biological diversity.

Waste minimization

Manage all wastes arising from Corporate activities by:

  • endeavouring to eliminate or reduce the amount generated;
  • striving to fully utilise reuse and recycling opportunities;
  • disposing of remaining waste in an environmentally sound manner.

Access to adequate information

Share relevant information on a timely basis with employees, interested people and governments to promote a greater understanding of Manitoba Hydro’s current and planned business activities and to identify impacts associated with the Corporation’s plans and operations.

Public participation

Provide opportunities for input by potentially affected and interested parties when evaluating development and program alternatives and before deciding on a final course of action.

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Understanding and respect

Strive to understand and respect differing social and economic views, values, traditions and aspirations when deciding upon or taking action.

Scientific and technological innovation

Research, develop, test and implement technologies, practices and institutions that will make electrical supply and services more efficient, economic and environmentally sound.

Global responsibility

Recognize there are no political and jurisdictional boundaries to our environment, and that there is ecological interdependence among provinces and nations.

Consider environmental effects that occur outside of Manitoba when planning and deciding on new developments and major modifications to facilities and to methods of operation.

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