How to read your meter

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How to read your bi-directional meter

Your meter reading will help us give you an accurate bill. We use meter readings to bill you for the actual amount of electricity you use (instead of estimating). Most meters are scheduled to be read every second month.

Excess energy generated by your system cannot be estimated. You must provide regular readings for accurate billing. Your bill will show an “Energy Received” line that lists the excess energy we bought from your system. You will not be eligible for the Equal Payment Plan because the energy used and the excess energy generated cannot be forecasted.

When we cannot access your meter, a meter reading card will be left for you. Use this card to record your meter reading, then submit it online or to our 24-hour phone recording line.

Line drawing of an bi-directional meter.

Your meter window will rotate a series of 3 displays – always in the same sequence with a short blank screen between each display. Meter designs vary by manufacturer, so your meter may look different than this one.

When you are taking a reading, there are 3 displays:

  1. Test display
    Check this display to confirm that your meter is operating properly. Each of the digits should be a completely formed 8. If any fragments of the digits are missing, notify us immediately.
  2. Kilowatt hours (kWh)
    When this display appears, record the 5-digit reading. This is the energy you’ve used from our grid.
  3. Excess kilowatt hours (kWh)
    When this display appears, record the 5-digit reading. This is the excess energy you generated and delivered to Manitoba Hydro.

The meter number is displayed on your bi-directional meter. When entering your meter number, do not include the letters MH. The above meter shows MH1234567, so this meter number would be 1234567.

Submit your reading online or phone 204-453-6712 (Winnipeg) or 1-800-652-4490 anytime and follow the prompts to provide your meter number and reading.

For assistance, contact your local office.

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How to read your electricity meter

Your meter reading will help us provide you an accurate bill. We use meter readings to bill you for the actual amount of electricity you use (instead of estimating). Outside of self-read areas, most meters are scheduled to be read every second month.

When we cannot access your meter, a meter reading card will be left for you. Use this card to record your meter reading, then submit it online or to our 24-hour phone recording line.

Line drawing of an electricity meter.

Many electricity meters have 4 dials. Meters with 5 dials or digital displays are also common.

The meter number is displayed on your electricity meter. When entering your meter number, do not include the letters MH. The above meter shows MH062189, so this meter number would be 0062189.

Dial display:

  1. Draw the exact position of the dials hands of your electricity meter on the blank dials on the meter reading card.
  2. From the position of the dial hands, record the meter reading under the dials. (See example reading shown below.)
Electric meter dials display reading of 8950. The first dial may not be present on your meter.

Digital display:

  1. Your meter will alternate between 2 displays. The first display is a test pattern with a row of the number 8, and the second display is a meter reading. Wait for the electricity meter display to show the letters “kWh” along with the reading.
  2. Record the meter reading on the lines under the dials on the meter reading card.

If your meter is blank or does not display a reading, contact us at 204-480-5900 or toll-free at 1-888-624-9376.

Submit your reading online or phone 204-453-6712 (Winnipeg) or 1-800-652-4490 anytime and follow the prompts to provide your 7-digit meter number (a leading 0 and the 6-digit number found on the front of your electricity meter) and your meter reading.

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How to read your natural gas meter

Your meter reading will help us provide you an accurate bill. We use meter readings to bill you for the actual amount of natural gas you use (instead of estimating).

When we cannot access your meter, a meter reading card will be left for you. Use this card to record your meter reading, then submit it online or to our 24-hour phone recording line.

Line drawing of an natural gas dial meter.

Many natural gas meters have 4 dials. Meters with 5 dials or digital displays are also common.

The meter number is displayed on your natural gas meter. The above meter shows the meter number as 062189.

Your natural gas meter is located close to ground level. If your meter is inside, it is usually in the basement close to the ceiling. If your meter is outside, it is about knee height and may have metal posts in front of it to protect it from accidental damage.

Dial display:

  1. Draw the exact position of the dials hands of your natural gas meter on the blank dials on the meter reading card.
  2. From the position of the dial hands, record the meter reading under the dials. (See example reading shown below.)
Graphic of natural gas meter dials.

Digital display:

  1. Look at the digital display on your natural gas meter.
  2. Record the meter reading on the lines under the dials on the meter reading card.

Submit your reading online or phone 204-453-6712 (Winnipeg) or 1-800-652-4490 anytime and follow the prompts to provide your meter number (a 6-digit number found on the front of your natural gas meter) and your meter reading.

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