How to understand your bill

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We send you an energy bill each month that breaks down charges based on the type of services you use. Understanding the features of your energy bill can help you find the information you need. It might look different depending on how you get your bill (paper or paperless).

Online bill (paperless)

Screen shot of utility bill summary within the Hydro app displayed on a smart device.
  1. Current balance – The outstanding balance on your account. If your current balance is $0, your payments are up to date. Your balance may not reflect recent bill payments. Payment processing times are based on your method of payment and your financial institution’s payment schedule. Your balance will be updated accordingly once payment is received.
  2. Amount due – Totals all of your electricity, natural gas, adjustments and other charges for the service location. If your account is on pre-authorized payment, one withdrawal will be made per bill.
  3. Bill due date – The date your payment is due.
  4. Balance forward – The outstanding balance from your last bill.
  5. Payments – The payments made since your last bill.
  6. View bill – View and download a copy of your energy bill.

See the most up-to-date account balance online

With your online account, you can see your current balance at any time on our website or by downloading the Manitoba Hydro app.

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Paper bill

An example of the top portion of the first page of the paper bill. The information is split into 2 columns: the first contains our logo and contact information; and the second column contains customer information and an account summary.
  1. Account number – Your 14-digit Manitoba Hydro account number.
  2. Previous charges and credits – Shows your previous bill balance and payments received.
  3. Balance forward – Shows any outstanding amounts owed from your last bill.
  4. New charges – The total bill charges for the month.
  5. Due date – The date your payment is due.

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Breakdown of your electricity charges

An example of the electricity portion of the paper bill. The table contains columns labelled: Meter number; Service from/to; Days; and Reading type. Rows underneath the table include the basic charge, energy charge, and electricity charges.
  1. Meter number – This is the meter at your property, you can find this number on your electricity meter. The bill details and charges are related to this meter.
  2. Service from/to – The dates covered by this bill.
  3. Days – The number of days in the service period.
  4. Reading type – The reading that we used to bill you. There are 3 types of meter readings: estimated, actual, and customer. An estimated reading is based on past readings. An actual reading was done by Manitoba Hydro or a contract meter reader. A customer reading is what you submit to us.
  5. Basic charge – The fixed charge that helps pay for services like meter maintenance, meter reading, billing, and record keeping.
  6. Energy charge – A breakdown of the costs of your electrical service calculated by multiplying the number of kilowatt-hours by a rate for that block of energy. If we provide different rates for different portions of your service, each rate calculation will appear on its own line.
  7. Electricity charges – The sum of all charges for your electricity service, including taxes.

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Breakdown of your natural gas charges

An example of the natural gas portion of the paper bill. The table contains columns labelled: Meter number; Service from/to; Days; Reading (previous and present); Usage; Base pressure adj.; Metric conversion factor; Cubic metres; and Reading type. Rows underneath the table include the basic charge, gas commodity, delivery, federal carbon charge, and natural gas charges.
  1. Meter number – This is the meter at your property, you can find this number on your natural gas meter. The bill details and charges are related to this meter.
  2. Basic charge – The fixed charge that helps pay for services like meter maintenance, meter reading, billing, and record keeping.
  3. Gas commodity – The natural gas we (or your independent natural gas marketer) buy on your behalf. This cost is passed on to you without markup. You pay what we pay.
  4. Delivery – The cost to deliver natural gas to your home or business.
  5. Natural gas charges – The sum of all charges for your natural gas service, including taxes.
  6. Federal carbon charge – The charge applied as part of the federal government’s carbon pollution pricing system. Learn more about the federal carbon charge.

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Equal Payment Plan

An example of the EPP summary on the paper bill. The table contains columns labelled: Meter number; Beginning of EPP year; Instalments billed; Use; Difference, and End of EPP year.
  1. Instalments billed – The EPP amount you’ve been billed for so far.
  2. Use – The actual cost of energy you used for your electricity and/or natural gas service.
  3. Difference – The difference between your actual energy costs and the EPP installments billed. The difference will show either a balancing owing or credit.

Review the EPP portion of your bill monthly

See if your EPP payments will be revised and know if your account will have a credit or a balance owing at the end of the EPP year. Learn more about the Equal Payment Plan.

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Loans & other charges

An example of the Loans/Term billing portion of the paper bill. The table contains columns labelled: Current interest; Current principal; and Principal balance remaining. Rows underneath the table include number installment, and totals for current interest and principal.
  1. Current interest – The interest portion of your loan payment.
  2. Current principal – The principal portion of your loan payment.
  3. Principal balance remaining – The remaining balance due on your loan this bill.
  4. Installment – The number of loan payments you have made within your loan term.
An example of other charges listed on the paper bill.
  1. Other charges – Charges or credits for other services (e.g., rental charges). The GST is displayed separately, if applicable.

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Consumption history

An example of the Consumption history portion of the paper bill. This table has columns labelled: Use this year; Days in period; Use per day this year; Use last year; Use per day last year; and Use for the last 12 months.
  1. Consumption history – The use comparison for your electricity and/or natural gas services. The comparison shows as a graph in April, May, October, and November, and a table in other reading months.
  2. Use this year – Your actual use billed for the service period this year.
  3. Days in period – The number of days in the service period.
  4. Use per day this year – Your actual use billed for the service period this year divided by the days in the service period this year.
  5. Use last year – Your actual use billed for the same service period last year.
  6. Use per day last year – Your actual use billed for the same service period last year divided by the days in the same service period last year.
  7. Use for the last 12 months – Your use for the last 12 months.

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Glossary of bill terms

These definitions may help you to better understand the information contained in your Manitoba Hydro bill.

A–C | D–L | M–P | Q–Z

Account information
Your customer, service, and account information.
Account number
Identifies your customer and service location. It changes when you move. Please write this number on the front of your cheques and also provide it when contacting us about your account.
Account summary
A summary of your bill. It displays your previous balance, the payments applied to your account since your last bill, new charges which include electricity, natural gas, adjustments and other charges. Details are found on the following bill pages.
Amount due
Totals all your electricity, natural gas, adjustments and other charges for the service location. If your account is on pre-authorized payment, one withdrawal will be made per bill.
Balance forward
The outstanding balance from your last bill.
Base pressure adjustment
A factor applied to your natural gas consumption to adjust the registered usage to correspond to standard measurement conditions.
Basic Charge
The fixed charge that pays part of the cost of providing service and does not depend on how much natural gas or electricity is used. It helps pay for such items as the maintenance of meters, the cost of meter reading, billing, and record keeping.
Beginning of EPP year
The Equal Payment Plan begins in September. You may have started EPP during the EPP year.
Bill message area
The area of your bill where you find general messages and updates for the Equal Payment Plan (EPP), Pre-authorized Payment Plan (PAPP), and more.
Billing demand (natural gas)
The highest value of the winter demand recorded in the past 12 months.
City Tax
A tax assessed by the City of Winnipeg. The tax rate is reduced on electricity services where the heating equipment is permanently installed and capable of heating 80% or more of the entire building. The city tax is applied on each line of billing and then totalled. On natural gas services, the tax rate is applied to the lesser of the actual usage of natural gas and the calculated non-heating use.
Consumption history
A usage comparison for your electricity and/or natural gas services when the reading type for the service is Actual or Customer. The comparison is shown as a graph in April, May, October, and November. and is shown as a table in the other reading months. A bill message displays when the reading type for the service is an estimate.
Cubic metres
The unit by which natural gas usage is measured.
Current Amount
This is usually the principal portion of the monthly instalment for a loan, for example, Home Energy Efficiency Loan for installing energy efficiency upgrades; this amount reduces the principal of the loan and is reflected in the Principal Balance Remaining. The current amount can also be a monthly fixed charge or credit applied over a set term.
Current Interest
The interest portion of the monthly instalment for a loan, for example, the Home Energy Efficiency Loan for installing energy efficiency upgrades.
Customer name
The name(s) associated with the service. Let us know if any of this information is incorrect.
Customer Service Information
How to contact us, if you have any questions about your electricity, natural gas, or other charge section of your bill.
Cycle number
An internal code that indicates when the meter at this service location will be read and when the account will be billed.

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Date issued
The date the bill was printed. Transactions after this date will appear on your next bill.
The number of days in the service period.
Days in period – Last Year
The number of days in the same service period last year.
Days in period – This Year
The number of days in the service period this year.
The Delivery cost on your bill includes the costs to transport natural gas to Manitoba and distribute the gas to your home or business. Transportation costs include pipeline charges and the costs to store gas purchased in the summer for use in the winter. Distribution costs include the costs of installed pipeline and facilities, operation and maintenance costs, and other services provided to you.
Demand (natural gas)
A monthly charge that recovers costs incurred by Manitoba Hydro for the use of capacity on pipeline and storage facilities to transport natural gas to Manitoba for distribution.
Difference – Equal Payment Plan
The difference between your usage and the EPP instalments billed from the beginning of your EPP year to date.
Due date
The last date you can pay your bill at an authorized payment location. After this date, our offices will accept payment during business hours. If your account is on pre-authorized payment, the withdrawal will be made on this date.
Electric Deposit
Refundable charge for an electricity customer who is considered a credit risk.
Electric Deposit Applied
The deposit returned to the customer as a credit on the bill when the electricity customer is no longer considered a credit risk or has moved.
Electric Deposit Interest Applied
Interest earned while the deposit was held returned to the customer as a credit on the bill when an electricity customer is no longer considered a credit risk or has moved.
Electricity – charges
Total charges for your electricity service, including taxes.
Electricity and natural gas terminology
A glossary of terminology that relates to your services on the last page of your bill.
End of EPP year
The Equal Payment Plan ends in August.
Energy Charge
A breakdown of the costs of your electrical service calculated by multiplying the number of kilowatt-hours by the rate specific for that block of energy. If we provide different rates for different portions of your service, each rate calculation will appear on its own line.
EPP instalment
If you are enrolled in the Equal Payment Plan (EPP), the instalment is the amount you pay each month regardless of the actual charges. This amount only includes metered charges plus applicable taxes. It does not include other charges, such as rentals or loans.
Equal payment plan year to date
The status of your Equal Payment Plan, as of the bill issue date, to reflect another instalment billed and another month’s actual use. For payment information, see the ‘Account summary’ on the front of the bill.
EPP summary
A table showing the natural gas and/or electricity installments billed in previous months and the difference in the amount remaining under Equal Payment Plan. This table helps you keep track of your energy usage during the EPP year and any remaining balances or credits.
Federal Carbon Charge
Charge applied as part of the federal government’s carbon pollution pricing system. The total is calculated by multiplying the charge by the number of cubic metres of natural gas used.
FRP Refund
Furnace Replacement Program refund. Effective November 1, 2019, the Public Utilities Board directed that Small General Service customers receive a refund of the surplus funds in the Furnace Replacement Program. The refund is displayed as a separate line item on your bill and is based on your monthly natural gas consumption.
Gas Commodity
The natural gas you used during the billing period. Natural gas is a commodity traded on the open market. The Gas Commodity price you pay is affected by the gas supplier you choose. It can be purchased from an independent natural gas marketer or from us. If you purchase your natural gas from us, your rates are regulated by the Public Utilities Board of Manitoba. Whoever you buy from, we arrange for the transportation of natural gas to Manitoba.
Tax assessed by the Government of Canada. The GST is applied on each line of billing and then totalled. In addition, GST is applicable to City of Winnipeg Tax and to the federal carbon charge. Both are shown separately on the bill.
Instalments billed – Equal Payment Plan
The year to date total of your EPP instalments billed for this service.
Instructions for reading your meter
Follow the instructions to call in a meter reading, or enter the information online anytime at submit a meter reading. You may also enter the information via your online account.
Kilovolt amperes (kVA)
Also referred to as apparent power, is the product of the volts times current of a circuit divided by 1,000. It is composed of both real and reactive power.
Kilowatt (kW)
An amount of electrical power equivalent to 1,000 watts (W).
Your actual usage in kilowatt-hours for the service period covered by this bill. Is used to calculate the electricity charges.
Late payment charge
The charge (1.25% per month/16.08% per annum or such other rates as may be advised from time to time) unpaid amounts are subject to after the due date.
Loan Interest
The interest portion of a loan instalment, for example, the Home Energy Efficiency Loan for installing energy efficient windows or other home renovations.
Loan Principal
The principal portion of a loan instalment, for example, the Home Energy Efficiency Loan for installing energy efficient windows or other home renovations.
Loans/Term Billing
Charges or credits for any loan agreements with Manitoba Hydro, or any other monthly fixed charges or credits to be applied over a set term.

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MCF (natural gas)
Thousands of cubic feet, the standard unit of gas volume measurement for the natural gas industry.
Measured demand (natural gas)
The amount of gas consumed on the highest consumption day during the billing period.
Meter number – Billing
A number assigned to the electricity or natural gas meter at this service location. The bill details and charges are related to this meter.
Meter number – Consumption
A number assigned to the electricity or natural gas meter at this service location. The consumption history is related to this meter.
Meter number – Equal Payment Plan
A number assigned to the electricity or natural gas meter at this service location. The EPP information is related to this meter.
Meter readings
The numbers in the Previous and Present fields are the meter readings for the beginning and end of the service period covered by this bill.
Metric conversion factor
The number used to convert natural gas consumption from imperial units to metric measurement.
Moving or any questions
Call in your change of address information, or report a move online anytime.
The number used to convert the difference between readings recorded on your meter into the actual kWh consumption used.
Natural gas – Charges
Total charges for your natural gas service, including taxes.
Natural Gas Deposit
Refundable charge for a natural gas customer who is considered a credit risk.
Natural Gas Deposit Applied
Deposit returned to the customer as a credit on the bill when the natural gas customer is no longer considered a credit risk or has moved.
Natural Gas Deposit Interest Applied
Interest earned while the deposit was held is returned to the customer as a credit on the bill when a natural gas customer is no longer considered a credit risk or has moved.
Neighbours Helping Neighbours
The tax deductible donation for a program to assist low income customers who are unable to pay their bills due to financial hardship.
NSF Cheque Fee
The amount charged for each payment cheque returned by a financial institution because of non-sufficient funds. The bill will show a Payment Reversal for the returned cheque. The bill will also show a Late Payment Charge if another payment has not been received.
Other charges
Charges or credits for items other than loans or other term billing and metered energy. The GST is displayed separately, if applicable.
Parts Charge
The charge for service work completed by Manitoba Hydro.
The payments made since your last bill. Your payment will be applied to your oldest outstanding bills first and distributed between all items billed. If your payment is made to one of our cashiers or by mail, you may provide instructions on the return portion of the bill indicating the amount you wish to have applied to natural gas, electricity, or other charges.
Payment enclosed
Space where the cashier will write the amount paid, if different from the actual amount due.
Payment enclosed – Type of Payment
Space where the cashier will indicate the type of payment made.
Payment options
You can find all your payment options online.
Pharmacare Deductible
The amount for a Manitoba government program that gives customers with high drug costs relative to their income the option to pay their Pharmacare deductible in monthly instalments.
Power factor at peak (electricity)
The ratio of real power in watts to apparent power in volt amps.
Pre-authorized payment
A convenient plan to pay your bill automatically from your financial institution account. Sign up for pre-authorized payments.
Previous balance
The amount due on your last bill.
Principal Balance Remaining
This dollar amount usually reflects your original loan, less principal portions of any instalments billed or additional payments on the balance as of the date on the bill. Instalments billed but not yet paid are included in your amount due. The principal balance remaining does not reflect payments made on interest or future interest calculations. If you are planning to make a partial or full payment for your loan, please contact Manitoba Hydro for current information. The principal balance remaining can also reflect the remaining monthly fixed charges or credits to be applied over a set term.
Prov Tax
Tax assessed by the Province of Manitoba. The provincial tax is applied on each line of billing and then totalled. The tax rate is reduced on residential energy services where the heating equipment is permanently installed and capable of heating 80% or more of the entire dwelling. Reductions are also available to agricultural, mining, and manufacturing services.

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Reading type
The source of the meter reading for the time period, that is, an actual reading (read by Manitoba Hydro or contract meter reader), a customer reading, or an estimated reading (based on past readings and including such factors as the weather).
Reconnect Fee
The amount charged to reconnect a service during normal working hours.
Reconnect Fee After Hours
The amount charged to reconnect a service after normal working hours.
Rental CES
The monthly charge for the rental of the natural gas hot water heater owned by Centra Energy Services (now Union Financial).
Rental Tank Water Heater
The monthly charge for the rental of an electric water heater owned by Manitoba Hydro.
Return portion of the bill
Ensures that your mail or in-person payment is applied to your account. Tear off and include with these payments. Please write the account number on the front of your cheques.
Sentinel Flat Rate
The monthly charge for the electricity used by a sentinel or dusk to dawn light. The light is not metered. The amount is based on the wattage of the light.
Sentinel Rental
The monthly charge for rental of a Manitoba Hydro-owned sentinel or dusk to dawn light. If the service is metered, the electricity used is included in the energy charge. If the service is not metered, the electricity used is billed as a sentinel flat rate.
Service description
The type of service being billed. It may show that you have an electricity or natural gas service.
Service From To
The period of time covered by this bill.
Service location
The residence, business, or other location where electricity and/or natural gas service is provided.
Special messages
Information about your electricity and/or natural gas services. It may provide collection messages, EPP messages, information about your natural gas service provider and directions regarding when to read your electricity and/or natural gas meters in order to prevent an estimated bill.
Special Read Fee
When a self-read meter has been estimated for 4 consecutive months and Manitoba Hydro has had to read the meter, the customer is charged a special read fee.
The total charges, excluding taxes, for your electricity or natural gas service.
Tax information
  • Goods and Services Tax (GST): 5%
  • Provincial: 7%
  • City of Winnipeg: 2.5% on Winnipeg Residential Services, 5% on Winnipeg Commercial Services.

Note: Partial exemptions that result in lower tax rates are available. For example, residences capable of heating by electricity or natural gas, agriculture and mining and manufacturing.

Terms and conditions
The terms and conditions governing the supply of power may be found in The Manitoba Hydro Act, R.S.M. 1987, c.H190 (the Act) and the Electric Power Terms and Conditions of Supply Regulation number 186/90, both as amended from time to time and any further Regulations which may be made under the Act. The terms and conditions for natural gas service are found under Public Utility Board Act Order No 174/05. If you’d like more information, visit:
Total Current Amount
The total of the current amount items for all loans and other term billing on this bill.
Total Current Interest
The total of the current interest items for all loans on this bill.
Total Other Charges
If you have 2 or more lines of other charges, you will see a Total.
The amount of electricity or natural gas consumed during the service period (difference between present and previous meter readings).
Use – Equal Payment Plan
The year to date total of your actual usage billed for this service.
Use for the last twelve months
Your usage for the last twelve months.
Use last year
Your actual usage billed for the same service period last year.
Use per day last year
Your actual usage billed for the same service period last year divided by the days in the same service period last year.
Use per day this year
Your actual usage billed for the service period this year divided by the days in the service period this year.
Use this year
Your actual usage billed for the service period this year.
Water Heater (Flat Rate)
Monthly charge for the electricity used by a water heater installed at the service. This water heater is not metered. The amount is based on the wattage of the heating element.
Winter demand (natural gas)
The amount of gas consumed on the highest consumption day during the winter period from November 1 to March 31.
Withdrawal date
If your account is on the Pre-authorized Payment Plan, the withdrawal from your financial institution will be made on this date.

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