Manitoba Hydro reminds residents and resource users of continued record high water flows on the Winnipeg River

Extreme caution advised if boating near generating stations

This article was published in May 2022 and may be outdated.

For the third week in a row, Manitoba Hydro is warning residents and resource users along the Winnipeg River from Pointe du Bois to Sagkeeng First Nation of increased water flows due to extremely high precipitation in Northwest Ontario and Southern Manitoba this spring.

The Lake of the Woods Control Board (LWCB) was forced to make large increases in outflows from Lake of the Woods and Lac Seul into the Winnipeg River due to these conditions. The LWCB regulates the water levels of Lake of the Woods and Lac Seul, Ont.

It is expected the Winnipeg River will crest between June 5-10.

As a result, Winnipeg River property owners and resource users will see water levels increase at various locations over the next 10 to 14 days, as follows:

  • 6 inches upstream of Eight Foot Falls.
  • 10 inches in Nutimik Lake.
  • 9 inches in Dorothy Lake.
  • 11 inches in Margaret/Eleanor Lake.
  • 1 foot in Sylvia Lake.
  • 8 inches upstream of Silver Falls.
  • 10 inches in Powerview-Pine Falls.

Property owners and resource users in the above affected areas are advised to secure docks and move items near the water (boats, floatation devices, etc.) to higher ground. All boaters should be aware that water velocities will be much higher than last year and higher than normal regardless of location on the Winnipeg River. Extreme caution is advised for anyone boating near Manitoba Hydro generating stations, as spillways are open and safety booms could not be installed this spring due to the rapid increase in flows.

For more information about water flows, visit the LWCB’s website.

For more information about Winnipeg River or Lake Winnipeg water levels, visit Water levels & flows.

For more information, please contact:

Scott Powell
Director, Corporate Communications

Riley McDonald
Media Relations Assistant