Block heaters keep cars running in the winter, but they can be dangerous if not used properly. Read this article to find out how to keep yourself safe and your car happy.

Tips for a safe and cheerful holiday season
As the holiday season approaches, so do potential natural gas and electrical safety hazards. Holiday decorations and houseguests bring joy and festivities, but also present increased safety risks. Here are 10 tips to help keep your holidays safe and fun.

Go online to report street light outages
Manitobans turn their clocks back November 2nd, and that means more opportunities to spot street light outages during the longer hours of darkness. When you see one, let us know! You can use the street light outage form on our website to report it.

If you are landscaping, avoid Hydro equipment
Don’t bury the gas meter valve outside your house, block access to transformers, or plant trees that that will come in contact with power lines. Always Click Before You Dig.

Public Notice – waterways work in the Goose Creek area
Public notice of work at the Churchill River Road bridge that affects waterway travel in the Goose Creek area.

Natural gas safety for new Canadians
After a near-miss situation, Manitoba Hydro’s natural gas safety pamphlet has been translated into three languages for newcomers.

Advanced mobile leak detection increases customer safety
We continually look for new and better ways to inspect our natural gas system.

In the dark? Learn more about power outages
Although we cannot predict an outage, it is important to be prepared and know what to do when the lights go out.

Scammers are still out there
Scam calls are down and scam emails are up, but scams of all sorts are prevalent. It’s important to know the ways to spot one.

Preventative pole maintenance ensures safety
Through pole maintenance, we inspect all 1.1 million wood poles across the province to look for signs of rot, infestation, or abnormalities that would cause safety issues.