Pileated woodpeckers are covered under federal protection legislation, so our employees need to know how to identify their nesting sites in our wooden poles, what to do when they are found, and how we have to handle the poles for the future.

Leader in Sustainability Award bestowed for our battery recycling efforts
We’re a 2023 Leader in Sustainability for sending Call2Recycle® 2,475 kilograms of small batteries for recycling.

The golden-winged warbler success story
The golden-winged warbler is a threatened songbird species in Manitoba with unique habitat requirements – and we’ve hatched a plan to protect them.

Hydro defends its Commuter Challenge title
From June 4-10, Hydro employees biked, bussed, carpooled, rolled, walked, and scootered to work as part of the 2023 Commuter Challenge.

Zebra mussels an ongoing challenge
When it comes to aquatic invasive species in Manitoba, the zebra mussel continues to pose a challenge both for waterways and hydroelectric operations. Manitoba Hydro has several different strategies in place to mitigate their impact.

Drones deployed for bird diverter project
For the first time this spring, we used drones to install bird diverters over an energized transmission line near the Delta Marsh, an internationally recognized Important Bird Area in southern Manitoba.

Celebrate Earth Day by going paperless
Reduce your personal paper waste and save trees by switching to paperless billing.

Keep cool with energy-efficient upgrades
Efficiency Manitoba has rebates to help you lower your energy bills.

Get a $30 rebate for your old working fridge or freezer
Efficiency Manitoba’s Appliance Recycling Program helps you save energy and money by removing and recycling qualifying fridges and freezers.

Northern Boat Patrol’s efforts on island habitat will help gull populations flourish
Enhancements to bird nesting areas will create positive long-term environmental impacts.