A construction crew went to test breakers at Rosser Station and came across a huge swarm of honeybees making a home in the station.

Clear Connection of benefits on both sides of the border from interconnections
Manitoba Hydro President & CEO, Jay Grewal was part of a panel discussion on June 15, for the presentation by the U.S.-based Centre for Climate and Energy Solutions think tank of their new white paper, Clean Connection: Canadian and U.S. Electricity.

Visit from some little green guys makes for an exciting day at Keeyask
It’s not abnormal for us to deal with wildlife calls – but they’re usually about relocating foxes or bears.

How Hydro works with lake sturgeon
Manitoba Hydro has been operating hydropower stations for over 100 years. While it sounds like a long time, it pales in comparison to a much older river resident: lake sturgeon.