More in this section * = Required field Move information Manitoba Transportation and Infrastructure motor carrier permit no. (required if traveling on a provincial highway, trunk highway, or road) Start location * Or enter the section, township, range, or lot, block, plan information. Choose the Customer Service Centre closest to the start location: * Choose one Arborg Ashern Brandon Dauphin Killarney Lac du Bonnet Morden Neepawa Portage la Prairie Russell Selkirk Steinbach Swan River The Pas Thompson Virden Winnipeg (City Centre) Winnipeg (Fort Garry) Winnipeg (St Boniface) If you are unsure of the Customer Service Centre, find it here. Equipment information Equipment type * (for example, seeder, tillage, harvester) Choose measurement unit * metres feet Height * Width * Manufacturer * Model no. * Contact information Owner (customer) name * Mailing address * City, town, or municipality * Province Manitoba Alberta British Columbia New Brunswick Newfoundland and Labrador Northwest Territories Nova Scotia Nunavut Ontario Prince Edward Island Quebec Saskatchewan Yukon Postal code * Phone * Fax Email * Required documents Upload a proposed route on a municipal landowner map or a hand-drawn map. Clearly mark all road and highway numbers, all overhead power line crossings over your field access points, and all approaches and intended access points to any land or field. Your application will not be processed without a map. See sample map (PDF, 198 KB). Attach map: * PDF, DOC, DOCX, XLS, XLSX, CSV, TXT, RTF, JPG, BMP, GIF, or PNG format only. While Manitoba Hydro has taken all reasonable efforts to ensure the security of information in transit to Manitoba Hydro, it is not liable for any damages that may arise as the result of interception, loss, theft or other action or difficulty. After you complete a secure transaction, you should clear the browser cache. Information stored in the browser cache isn’t encrypted. By clearing it, you help to ensure that others can’t compromise your data. Terms and Conditions I have read and accept the Terms and Conditions (PDF, 138 KB). *