Temporary service disconnection request

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To request temporary disconnection of electrical or natural gas services, complete and submit this application.

* = Required field

Project information

(legal description; civic address; lot block plan; river lot; section township range)

If you are unsure of your Customer Service Centre, find it here.

Request must be submitted at least 7 days before the disconnection date.

Choose the property type *
Choose all services to be disconnected
Length of disconnection term *
I want to keep access to natural gas/electric service on these premises.
Select the type of work being performed

Contact information

This application is being submitted by: *
We will contact the person who submitted this form. Choose a contact option: *
Owner (customer)

Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions

Personal information is being collected for the purpose of temporary disconnecting electric or natural gas service(s), to existing building(s) as requested by the customer. It is protected by the Protection of Privacy provisions of The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA). If you have any questions about the collection, contact the Access and Privacy Coordinator at Manitoba Hydro, 360 Portage Ave. (22), Winnipeg MB R3C 0G8, or telephone 204-480-5900 (Winnipeg) or 1-888-624-9376 (toll free).